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    Announcement and First Call for Abstracts for The First International Forum on Young Children and Sport

    May 9– 12, 2018 (Beijing, China)

    Host by the Research Centre for Gender, Children, Sport and Society of PekingUniversity

    1. Introduction

    The first ten years of life course are crucial for future lifestyle and quality of life. Physical activity and sport are widely acknowledged to play an important part in ensuring children’s healthy and all-around development. Physical activity and sport for young children have attracted more and more attention and generated great interest from academic, business and sports communities. Against this background, the First International Forum on Young Children and Sport will be staged in Peking University on May 9-12, 2018. Under the Theme “All around development of young children through sport”, the Forum is aimed to promote the development of sport for young children, to promote quality research on sport for children, and build a bridge for cultural and academic exchanges between China and other nations.

    The Forum will consist of plenary presentation,panel discussion,sub-theme presentation👨🏼‍⚖️,poster, workshop and demonstration as well as site visit to local kindergartens in Beijing. The Forum language will be English and Chinese.

    Experts and scholars from China and other countries are welcome to register and submit abstracts to the Forum within the following areas:

    1) policy on sport for young children

    2) theories and research on sport for young children

    3) organization and pedagogy of sport for young children

    4) design and creation of environment for sport for young children

    5) safety and legal issues of sport for young children

    6) teacher training and management in the field of sport for young children

    7) technology and equipment and facilities of sport for young children

    8) other related issues

    Deadline for the abstract submission is March 31, 2018. The length of abstract is maximum 1000 word in English. Please send your abstract to the email box:youertiyu@126.com. The organizing committee of the Forum will invite experts in the field to evaluate the submitted abstracts and announce the names of oral and poster presenters by April 10, 2018.

    Registration: (US$)

    Early bird


    Registration fees






    Early bird🆎:prior to March 31,2018

    *Registration fees include lunches, Coffee, admission to all conference sessions, conference proceedings, souvenir and tour to the Kindergarten.

    On-site registration:8:00-18:00April 16 and 7:30-8:30 April 17, 2018,

    Wu Si Sports Center, Peking University

    Method of remittance

    Mail cheque with completed form to:

    Ms Zhong Qin,

    Physical Education Department

    Peking University, Beijing 100871,China

    Or remit to the account bank of the Finance Department of Peking University: The Haidian District Branch, Industry and Commerce Bank of China

    Account Number: 02000-045090-891311-51

    **Please make the cheque payable toMs Zhong, indicating FIFSYC.

    Accommodations:There are several accommodations available: hotels near the university and university guest house. For the further information on visa and accommodation please emailyouertiyu@126.com.

    Conference Secretariat:

    Mr. Ma Xuanhui

    E-mail: mxhui@pku.edu.cn

    Phone: 86-18810649657

    Fax: 86-10-62751009

    Address: Sport Department, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China.

    Registration Form of

    The First International Forum on Young Children and Sport












    Title of paper

    Way of presentation

    Poster □ oral presentation □

    發布時間🖥😸:2018年02月21日 09:17

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